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Focus 2. Unit 4. Lesson 4


Read the text. Complete gaps with sentences. There is one extra sentence.

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Focus 2. Unit 4. Lesson 4Version en ligne

Read the text. Complete gaps with sentences. There is one extra sentence.

par Никита Syrota

He often wore two or more coats at the same time and a very strange hat - it was nearly a metre tall For instance, he built an underground ballroom with space for 2,000 guests, but he never used it because he was too shy to invite anyone He had another beautiful house in London and sometimes stayed there Instead, he communicated with them by ringing a bell and leaving notes in special boxes A third unusual thing about him was that he hated al kinds of dancing. For example, he gave each servant an umbrella and bought horses for them to ride through the gardens and in the tunnels under his house

W . J . Cavendish - Scott - Bentinck , the fifth Duke of Portland , was a very wealthy and very odd Englishman . He was born in 1800 and lived to be nearly 80 years old . The Duke was a successful businessman with lots of money and an amazing home , but he was not an average aristocrat .

The first unusual thing about him was his choice of clothes . . He also liked wearing wigs , and pieces of material tied around his ankles ( nobody knows why ! ) .

Another unusual thing about him was his incredible shyness . He lived in a huge house called Welbeck Abbey , but spent most of his time in just one or two of the rooms . He had many servants , but he was too shy to talk to them . . If servants did meet him anywhere in the house or garden , they had to stand completely still , say nothing , and look down at the ground until he was gone . Inside Welbeck Abbey , there was a mini - railway and , to avoid any face - to - face contact , the servants from the kitchen used to send meals to his room on the mini - train .

As well as this unusual form of transport , there were many other amazing things in the Duke's house . . Also underground , he built many tunnels and used them to move around his giant house and garden without seeing anyone . One of the tunnels went all the way from Welbeck Abbey to the nearby town of Worksop - almost 3 km away ! Welbeck Abbey wasn't the Duke's only home . . He didn't build this one though ; the Duke's grandfather won it in a game of cards ! In total , nearly 1 , 500 people worked for W . J . Cavendish - Scott - Bentinck . Sometimes he was a moody and unusual boss , but at other times he was very kind . . He also built a boating lake , an area for ice - skating and a horse - riding school for his servants to use . The horse - riding school had a glass roof over 100 metres long !

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