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Vocabulary (B1-BP2)


Vocabulary practice, B1 Business project 2- Product management

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Vocabulary (B1-BP2)Version en ligne

Vocabulary practice, B1 Business project 2- Product management

par M. Julieta Armando

feasible deliver address the backlog deeper milestone go in excel solution lifecycle

1 ) After careful analysis , the project team determined that my proposal was a to the problem .

2 ) The of a butterfly involves stages such as egg , larva , pupa , and adult , each marked by distinct changes in form and behavior .

3 ) She practiced the piano for hours every day and managed to her performance at the recital .

4 ) Graduating from college was a significant in her journey toward achieving her career goals .

5 ) With the upcoming deadline , the team had to of tasks that had accumulated over the past few weeks .

6 ) Despite the challenges , the team was determined to a high - quality product that would meet customer expectations .

7 ) Instead of just skimming the surface , it's important to into the issue to fully comprehend its complexities .

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