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A perfect day: second conditional


Listening practice

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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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A perfect day: second conditionalVersion en ligne

Listening practice

par Sonia Martinez

go spend on Have anywhere where to ever I if somewhere What evening would I've thought would could anything Have I

Do you like that song , Perfect Day ? I really like it . you thought about what you would do if you could have a perfect day ? would you go if you could go anywhere ? If you could be with anyone , who would you be with ? If you could do anything , what would you do ? would make your perfect day ?

Well , thought about it , and I think it's quite difficult really , but I think , if I could go for my perfect day , I to a tropical island , like Vietnam or Indonesia , somewhere that's got beautiful sea and lovely tropical fish , and I would like to spend my day snorkelling over a coral reef and then ; who would I my perfect day with ? Well , I would spend it with my husband and then , in the , where would I have my dinner , where would we eat ? I think , eat anywhere , I would eat by the sea perhaps listening to some live music , and then , after dinner , go dancing ? would I go to a night club ? No , I don't think so . If I could do after dinner I would walk with my husband the beach , next the sea and look at the stars , ah , romantic , eh ?

Well , what about you ? you about your perfect day ?

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