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Comparativa & Superlatives Version en ligne

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par Educrece Cd. Sahagún

Nate thinks Ironman is better than Superman because he's more intelligent


Iris thinks captain Marvel is more powerful than wanda


Claire's husband thinks Loki isn't the best character of Marvel's movies


Who does Susan think is more intelligent?


Carl thinks wanda is the strongest woman


Matt thinks Hulk is the strongest superheroe but Captain America is the best of all


Hi, my name is Nate. In my opinion, superman is better than iron man because superman is stronger and faster. But my brother John thinks ironman is better because he is more intelligent. What do you think?

Hi, I'm Iris. I think wanda is more powerful than black widow because wanda can control mind's people and energy and black widow is just a human. But I think captain marvel is the most powerful woman. She is my favorite.

My name is Clare and I think Loki is the best character of Marvel's movies because he is clever, funny and powerful. My husband thinks Loki is no the best character because he's the villan. His favorite character is Thor. In his opinion Thor is better than Loki because he's more powerful

Hi, I'm Susan. I think batman is the best superheroe because he's strong, fast and intelligent. I know Ironman is more intelligent than Batman, but he's also selfish, so he's not a good superheroe.

Hi, I'm carl. I think wonder woman is the best superheroe because she's kind, fair and helpful. I think wanda is stronger than wonder woman. In fact, I think she is the strongest of all women, but in my opinion the best superheroe is not the strongest but the most fair

Hi, I'm Matt and I'm a big fan of superheroes. In my opinion the strongest is Hulk because he is big and when gets angry he can destroy everything. I believe the most powerful is Wanda because she controls energy and can create a new reality. For me, the best superheroe is Captain America because he's loyal, he helps people and always do good things for others.

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