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Terminal Maintenance Review


Fill in the Blanks game about to review information from the Terminal Maintenance lesson.

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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Terminal Maintenance ReviewVersion en ligne

Fill in the Blanks game about to review information from the Terminal Maintenance lesson.

par Elizabeth Halter

Customer merchant device hardware Master File

1 . Terminal maintenance involves updating merchant and terminal information in .
2 . A terminal , or point of sale ( POS ) , is a used by the merchant to process payment transactions .
3 . Terminal maintenance ensures that payment transactions run smoothly for the .


Team two SLA Merchant Terminal three

4 . Customer Master File has two tabs that are used in terminal maintenance : and Terminal .
5 . The MOSS order must be set up in MAS and approved by the Support before terminal maintenance is performed .
6 . The Service Level Agreement ( ) for single MID terminal maintenance is business days for premier merchants and business days for non - premier merchants .


Merchant binocular Tab icon

7 . When creating a new merchant record you will need to select the Tab in CMF .
8 . One way to find the Parent Customer number is by using the .
9 . You must press the key for the Top Parent Customer field to auto - populate .


Voice left MOSS first TIDs

10 . The information that you need to complete the Overview and Address Sections is found in MAS or .
11 . There are two default terminal IDs ( TIDS ) that need to be created during manual CMF setup : TIDs and POS .
12 . You can determine the Voice TID by removing the zero from the side of the merchant ID ( MID ) .


Use four suffix Address three Open Terminal

13 . Selecting the Merchant checkbox will make the address and country code fields auto - populate from the Merchant Section to the Terminal Section .
14 . Set the Status to before selecting the Save button .
15 . Determine the POS terminal ID by removing the first digits on the left side of the merchant ID and adding the correct - digit to the right .


active CSP Sales MAS Team CUP merchant

16 . Requests to create additional terminal IDs come from the Assistance through the Customer Service Platform ( ) .
17 . Always check to see if the ID exists and is before adding an additional terminal ID .
18 . When adding a CUP indirect terminal ID , the card must exist in before you proceed .


AP<country>Deploy CSP TID

19 . After creating a new CUP indirect TID , you must enter the new created in the comment .
20 . Transfer the CSP case / incident to the queue .

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