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Focus 2. Unit 2. Lesson 4


Complete the telephone conversation between Warmomatic and a customer with the words from the box. There are two extra words

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Focus 2. Unit 2. Lesson 4Version en ligne

Complete the telephone conversation between Warmomatic and a customer with the words from the box. There are two extra words

par Никита Syrota

below degrees cold falling boiling temperature chilly freezing above

In the year 2033 . . .

W : Good afternoon . This is Warmomatic . How can I help you ?
C : Hello ? Warmomatic ? Oh , thank goodness you've answered . HELP !
W : What is the problem , madam ?
C : My computer - controlled heating system isn't working .
My home is really . It is zero in every room in the house and the temperature is still . It's minus ten now .
W : OK madam , please try to calm down . I'll try to fix the problem from my desktop computer . Please call me again in 20 minutes .

20 minutes later . . .

W : Good afternoon . This is Warmomatic . How can I help you ?
C : It's me again ! Now the house is too hot . In fact , it's . It's plus 35 centigrade and the is rising . Help me !
W : Oh dear . There is one very easy solution , madam .
C : Anything . Please . Tell me what to do .
W : Open a window madam . It's outside .

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