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Giving and Asking for Directions


A Fill in the Blanks game to practice giving and asking for directions.

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Giving and Asking for DirectionsVersion en ligne

A Fill in the Blanks game to practice giving and asking for directions.

par Dulce Abril Galindo Luna

station bus way around anyway

A : Excuse me .

B : Yes ?

A : Sorry to bother you , but do you know the to the ?

B : I ? m sorry ; I don ? t know . I ? m not from here .

A : Thanks .


stay Road bank to right how turn get turn Walk next beside far right bridge cross Road to traffic lights left blocks over

A : Excuse me .

B : Hi .

A : Do you know to the bus station from here ?

B : The bus station ? Yeah , it ? s not at all .

A : Oh , great !

B : You just on this for two . When you get to Brant Street , .

A : Left on Brant .

B : Uh huh . along Brant Street for about two or three blocks . Then you ? ll see ; that intersection and you ? ll come to a bridge .

A : OK , go past the traffic lights to the . Got it .

B : Go the bridge and make a hand on River . You ? ll see a big bus station on your . It ? s a . You can ? t miss it .

A : So , I go over the bridge , make a right on River Road and the station ? s on the right , a bank . Thank you so much !


washroom turn hallway toward left escalators

Customer : Hello there .

StoreClerk : Hi . What can I do for you ?

Customer : Could you tell me where the is ?

StoreClerk : Sure . Just go to your right and at the end of the , . Walk the and you ? ll see the washroom to the right of the escalators .

Customer : Thank you .


Avenue south Highway exit down Head route Street traffic beach Brickson

A : Are you ready to go ?

B : Yeah . What do you think is the best ?

A : Right now ? You should go Earle and get onto 22 heading westbound .

B : Highway 22 west . Yeah , that makes sense .

A : Take it all the way to the Brickson Street . I think it ? s exit 345 .

B : OK , so I get off at . Then what ?

A : on Brickson all the way to the .

B : That ? s easy . Let ? s hope there isn ? t much .

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