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Formal letter


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Formal letterVersion en ligne

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

par Ruslana Purik

understanding unforeseen meeting to Unfortunately immediate preference for with current else for

Subject : Request for Postponement of Meeting

Dear Benedict Badin ,

I hope this email finds you well . I am writing to inform you that due to circumstances , I would like to request a postponement of the scheduled that was planned for 20 . 06 at 15 : 00 .

, an urgent matter has come up that requires my attention and will prevent me from being able to attend the meeting as planned . I apologize any inconvenience this may cause and understand the importance of this meeting .

I kindly request your and flexibility in rescheduling the meeting to a later date . I am fully committed to attending and contributing to the discussions , but the situation is beyond my control .

I would appreciate it if you could propose an alternative date and time that would be suitable for everyone involved . If it is more convenient , I can come up a few possible options and share them with you . Please let me know your , and I will do my best to accommodate it .

Once again , I sincerely apologize any disruption caused by this request . I assure you that I am dedicated to resolving the matter promptly and efficiently . Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in minimizing any inconvenience .

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation . I look forward hearing from you soon .

Kind regards ,

Dan River ,
President of
Co&EnterGrou p

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