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Bob's Week Routine - Fill in the Blanks Game


Fill in the blanks with the missing words from Bob's week routine.

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Bob's Week Routine - Fill in the Blanks GameVersion en ligne

Fill in the blanks with the missing words from Bob's week routine.

par cmgarcesg

work works lives comes sits has makes likes sees wakes has writes leaves takes goes gets

Bob lives in a small flat in London . In the mornings , he up and has a shower . Then he breakfast . He usually a typical English breakfast with eggs and bacon . After that , he goes to work .

He in an office in the center of London . He in front of the computer all day and emails . He doesn ? t like his job very much , but he earning money . At 12 o ? clock he goes to lunch and a sandwich . After lunch , he back to work and writes more emails . At 5 o ? clock he work .

He sometimes his girlfriend in the evenings . She on the opposite side of London , so he the Underground .

On weekends , he doesn ? t have to work . He usually out for a few beers with his friends on Friday night . On Saturday he goes shopping . On Sunday he goes to his grandmother ? s house for tea .

On Monday he up early and goes back to .

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