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Unit 9 level 2 be going to


Free time activities in future tense "be going to".

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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Unit 9 level 2 be going toVersion en ligne

Free time activities in future tense "be going to".

par Adry Balseca

Safa : Hi Faris , how you ?

Faris : I am fine , thanks and you ?

Safa : I fine too , what are you going to do during this vacation ?

Faris : My and I are going to go camping for a week .

Safa : That ? s ! We are going camping too , but by the sea .

Faris : Really ? That ? s great ! What activities will you do there ?

Safa : First , we are going to the beach every day . We are going to swim in the sea and play beach . We are going to go for bike rides too . And you ?

Faris : So are we . But my mom going to stay on the beach , she loves reading , she is going to rest and read .

Safa : father loves fishing . So we are going to go fishing in the river nearby .

Faris : After spending a few on the beach , we are going to eat lots of ice cream . I love ice cream there .

Safa : In the evening we are going to to music and maybe we are going to dance .

Faris : That ? s ! I wish you a good trip .

Safa : Thank you very much . Have a good !

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