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Outcomes B2_Describing a photo_Unit 2


Complete the photo description with the correct word.

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Outcomes B2_Describing a photo_Unit 2Version en ligne

Complete the photo description with the correct word.


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Once upon a time , there was a black and white photo of a young woman . She was sitting on a park bench , looking out into the distance . The photo was taken from behind her , so you couldn't see her face but you could see the back of her head and shoulders .

The photo managed to a feeling of nostalgia and longing . It looked the woman was thinking about something deep and meaningful . , she was in a thoughtful mood .

From the photo , you could the impression that the woman was confident and self - assured . She had an air of independence about her . She to be someone who was happy in her own company .

Looking at the photo , it appeared be taken during a busy day . There were people walking and running around in the background , and cars zooming past . But the woman on the bench was still and peaceful , lost in her thoughts .

She looked a busy person , but also someone who knew how to take a break and enjoy the little things in life . The woman in the photo could be a writer , an artist , or a philosopher , lost in her own world of creativity and imagination .

Looking at the photo closely , you must wonder what the woman on the bench was thinking about . Was she dreaming of a far - off place ? Was she reminiscing about a long - lost love ? We may never know , but the photo will always remain as a captured moment in time .

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