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First for Schools Unit 1 Exercise 1


Read this email and put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate form (present perfect simple or continuous). Don't use contrations.

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First for Schools Unit 1 Exercise 1Version en ligne

Read this email and put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate form (present perfect simple or continuous). Don't use contrations.

par Sergio Valdivia Corona

taken thinking staying has been has been has has has been studying flown have enjoyed have happened not have made has been have had

To : Melissa

Hi Melissa ,

How are things ? Sorry it ( 1 ) ( take ) me so long to get in touch . I ( 2 ) ( think ) about writing to you for ages , but time ( 3 ) ( fly ) by since I ( 4 ) ( be ) in Italy . I ( 5 ) ( stay ) with my sister in Padova , just near Venice . She ( 6 ) ( study ) at the university there and has just graduated . There are lots of international students who go there , so she ( 7 ) ( have ) a great time meeting people from around the world . I ( 8 ) ( enjoy ) staying with my sister this summer and I would even say the experience ( 9 ) ( make ) us closer . Before going I was worried we might argue , but fortunately that ( 10 ) ( not / happen ) at all !


have missed you doing have have been have been heard you

We are staying with a local family and my sister and I look after the children when the family are out at work . I speak a bit of Italian , but knowing the language isn ? t essential as the family all speak English well .

Anyway , enough about me , how ( 11 ) ( be ) ? I ( 12 ) ( hear ) you are staying at an activity camp . How long ( 13 ) ( do ) that ? It would be great to hear from you . I ( 14 ) ( miss ) our long chats . Hope to hear from you soon !

Love Laur a

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