Clustering
is
perhaps
the
,
one
of
the
most
exciting
areas
for
as
well
as
for
to
address
.
And
everybody
looks
at
the
-
examples
.
In
America
,
it
used
to
be
around
one
,
Route
,
around
Boston
area
which
really
lost
its
crown
to
Silicon
,
out
in
northern
California
.
And
today
there
are
many
examples
of
clusters
.
Each
of
these
clusters
has
a
number
of
factors
with
them
,
no
one
of
which
is
sufficient
on
its
own
to
define
a
cluster
,
but
these
factors
in
total
,
perhaps
eight
out
of
ten
of
them
,
you
know
,
are
to
be
found
in
every
cluster
.
If
you
look
at
the
traditional
ones
like
,
like
Silicon
Valley
,
and
in
Europe
places
like
,
like
Cambridge
,
like
Oxford
,
like
London
,
they
?
ve
all
evolved
around
a
university
campus
,
and
what
you
?
ve
got
there
then
are
very
bright
people
pushing
the
of
science
and
technology
,
and
seeing
then
the
opportunities
for
the
development
of
companies
,
and
for
those
companies
then
to
be
.
What
happens
as
a
result
of
that
is
that
people
move
from
a
university
environment
into
a
,
into
a
business
environment
and
need
to
learn
new
skills
,
and
so
what
you
have
around
those
people
that
make
that
step
are
people
older
people
?
ve
been
in
industry
before
,
or
people
who
are
focusing
on
and
so
on
,
and
you
get
this
sort
of
virtuous
circle
taking
place
where
you
have
a
nucleus
which
is
the
individual
or
individuals
who
away
from
university
,
then
up
as
they
talk
to
each
other
to
gain
experience
,
talk
to
other
people
to
gain
experience
,
and
build
around
them
this
,
this
cluster
.
So
some
of
the
other
factors
that
make
cluster
successful
are
all
the
supporting
services
like
the
lawyers
,
the
accountants
,
the
,
the
,
the
recruiters
,
the
people
who
provide
catering
services
for
the
companies
that
come
along
,
the
and
so
on
,
so
you
get
this
vast
circle
of
activity
around
,
around
cluster
,
which
then
builds
into
something
more
than
what
starts
as
a
cluster
into
a
,
into
an
cluster
itself
?
.