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Pride and Prejudice


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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Pride and PrejudiceVersion en ligne

Fill in the text with the correct words

par Helena Giannaki

pretending overjoyed spouse stir reveals gossip fortune opportunity possession wife acknowledged obtain rented acquaintance manor household

The news that a wealthy young gentleman named Charles Bingley has the known as Netherfield Park causes a great in the neighboring village of Longbourn , especially in the Bennet . The Bennets have five unmarried daughters , and Mrs . Bennet , a foolish and fussy , is the sort who agrees with the novel ? s opening words : " It is a truth universally , that a single man in of a good , must be in want of a . " She sees Bingley ? s arrival as an for one of the girls to a wealthy , and she , therefore , insists that her husband call on the new arrival immediately . Mr . Bennet torments his family by to have no interest in doing so , but he eventually meets with Mr . Bingley without their knowing . When he to Mrs . Bennet and his daughters that he has made their new neighbor ? s , they are and excited .

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