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Behaviour idioms 8.3 Upper


Complete each sentence with one word. The first letter in each word is given.

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Behaviour idioms 8.3 UpperVersion en ligne

Complete each sentence with one word. The first letter in each word is given.

par Alyona Akulova

shoulder way walk back there hand finger horns lift

1 I know I shouldn ? t talk behind Andrea ? s , but I have to tell you what I just found out .
2 Stand up for yourself ! Don ? t let her all over you !
3 My flatmate doesn ? t a to help with the cleaning .
4 Our teacher ? s great . He always goes out of his to help us .
5 I think Adam ? s upset . He needs a to cry on .
6 Su ? s really lovely . She ? s always willing to give me a helping .
7 Are those two arguing again ? They can ? t speak to each other without locking .
8 I love my dad . He ? s always for me , whenever I need him .

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