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FUNBIO.14 Basic histology: Cells and Tissues


- Review how cells form the basis of tissues, organs, and organ systems.
- Outline the four types primary tissue types.
- Describe the structure and function of these four tissue types; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous.
- Identify distinguishing features of each tissue type.

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FUNBIO.14 Basic histology: Cells and TissuesVersion en ligne

- Review how cells form the basis of tissues, organs, and organ systems. - Outline the four types primary tissue types. - Describe the structure and function of these four tissue types; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. - Identify distinguishing features of each tissue type.

par Zainab Nabeel

Cells and unite to form tissues , and tissues combine to form organs .

- A tissue is a group of cells
- Common origin
- Function together to carry out specialized activities
- Tissues may be Hard ( bone ) , ( fat ) , or liquid ( blood )
- Tissues vary tremendously with respect to the kinds of cells present , how the cells are arranged , and types of fibres present ( if any ) .
- Histology is the science that deals with the study of tissues .
- specialize in laboratory studies of cells and tissue for diagnoses

Cells combine to form 4 primary tissues which contribute to homeostasis by providing diverse functions including protection , support , communication between cells , and resistance to disease .

tissue - Covers body surfaces and lines organs , body cavities , duct , and forms glands . Allows body to interact with its internal and external environments

Connective tissue - Protects , supports , and binds organs , stores energy as fat , provides immunity

Muscle tissue - Generates the physical needed to make body structures move and generate body heat

Nervous tissue - Detect changes in body and outside , and respond by generating nerve impulses that activate muscular contractions and secretion

Normally , most cells within a tissue remain anchored to other cells or structures .

Only a few cells such as move freely through the body .

However , many cells migrate extensively during the growth and development process before birth .

A germ layer is a group of cells in an embryo that interact with each other as the embryo develops and contribute to the formation of all organs and tissues .
Tissues of the body develop from three primary germ layers :
Ectoderm , Endoderm , and Mesoderm

Epithelial tissues develop from all three germ layers

All connective tissue and most muscle tissues derive from

Nervous tissue develops from

Epithelial tissue consists of cells arranged in sheets , in either single or multiple layers
- Closely packed and held tightly together
- Covering and lining of the body
- Free surface
3 major functions :
- Selective barrier that regulates the movement of materials in and out of the body
- Secretory surfaces that release products onto the free surface
- Protective surfaces against the environment

Epithelial tissues illustrate a basic biological principle : structure closely correlates with function

Surfaces of epithelial cells differ in structure and have specialized functions
- ( free ) surface
( Faces the body surface , body cavity , lumen , or duct )
- Lateral surfaces
( Faces cells )
- Basal surface
( Opposite of apical layer and adhere to materials )

Rest on a Basement membrane
Thin double extracellular layer that serves as point of attachment and support for overlying epithelial tissue
Consists of :
a ) lamina
- Closer to and secreted by the epithelial cells
- Contains laminin , collagen , glycoproteins , and
b ) Reticular
- Closer to the underlying connective tissue
- Contains collagen secreted by the connective tissue cells

features of epithelial tissue :
- Own nerve supply
- Avascular or its own blood supply
- Blood vessels in the adjacent connective tissue bring in nutrients and eliminate waste ( exchange is by diffusion )
- High rate of cell division for renew and repair
- Numerous roles in the body ( i . e . protection and )

Two main types of epithelial tissue :
1 - Covering and lining epithelium ( )
a ) Outer covering of skin and some internal organs
b ) Inner lining of blood vessels , ducts and body cavities , and interior of respiratory , digestive , urinary and reproductive systems .

2 - Glandular epithelium
a ) Secreting portion of glands ( thyroid , adrenal , and sweat glands )

Normally classified according to :
- Arrangement of cells into layers
- Shapes of cells

see the pictures ! ! !

Arrangement of cells in layers
- Consist of one or more layers depending on function
Simple epithelium ( Single layer of cells that function in diffusion , osmosis , filtration , secretion , or absorption )
epithelium ( Appear to have layers because cell nuclei at different levels ; All cells reach basement membrane but not all reach the apical surface ; Cells that reach apical surface may contain cilia or secrete mucus ( e . g . goblet cells ) )
Stratified epithelium ( Two or more layers of cells that protect underlying tissues in areas of wear and tear )

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