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Complete the story


Frightening stories

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Âge recommandé: 15 ans
33 fois fait

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Complete the storyVersion en ligne

Frightening stories

par Tània Ruiz Cebrià

It was the most moment of my life ! I was because I had overslept and my normal train . I took the 10 . 00 train instead and when I got off at Wyford , I stepped into a real .

I knew something was as soon as I started walking along the platfrom . There was a group of people standing very and looking at something or someone . When I got nearer , I saw that there was a man and a woman standing outside the ticket office . The man was a at a woman . I was !

It was so . THe train and the were normal but what was happening was like a scene from a film .

, two police officers came up behind the man and knocked the gun out of his hand . , someone told me that it wasn ? t a real gun , it was a . The man had stolen money from the ticket office and the woman had tried to stop him .

, the man was caught and no - one was , but I hope that nothing as frightening as this happens again !

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