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Defining relative clauses


Complete the conversation by putting who or which into the gaps.

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Defining relative clausesVersion en ligne

Complete the conversation by putting who or which into the gaps.

par Sara Jaramillo

Carol : Did you watch that programme last night ?
David : one ?
Carol : The programme I mentioned a couple of days ago . It ? s a new series started last night .
David : No , I didn ? t see it . Was it good ?
Carol : Yes . It was about a group of friends were at school together . Well , Rupert ?
David : was Rupert ?
Carol : He was an old student of the school had become a doctor . He went to a party his old teachers organized . He met a lot of people had been at school with him many years before . They talked about the things they did they were at school . Then suddenly , Rupert saw an old girl - friend was dancing with John
David : Don ? t tell me any more . It ? s getting too complicated !

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