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Past continuous vs Past simple 1 (D)


This activity will help you practice finished actions vs parallel actions.

Complete the paragraph by clicking on the correct form of the verb.

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Past continuous vs Past simple 1 (D)Version en ligne

This activity will help you practice finished actions vs parallel actions. Complete the paragraph by clicking on the correct form of the verb.

par lucila Carrillo G

gave opened was was wearing was writing arrived went needed left was phoning waiting running was

Yesterday at 7 : 00 , I for the bus when I saw a 38 - year - old man walking into the Luxor hotel . He ( 1 ) black trousers , a shirt and a tie , and he was carrying a black hat . He told the woman at the desk that he ( 2 ) a job . The woman asked for the man's name and address . While she ( 3 ) , he pointed a gun at her . The woman at the desk ( 4 ) the cash drawer and ( 5 ) the robber ? 1 , 000 . The robber quickly ( 6 ) the hotel . While the robber ( 7 ) out of the door , the hotel worker ( 8 ) the police . When the police ( 9 ) , the hotel worker gave them the robber's name and address . The police ( 10 ) to the house , arrested the robber , and took him to the police station .

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