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A short story


Complete the stroy with my, your, his....

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Âge recommandé: 10 ans
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A short storyVersion en ligne

Complete the stroy with my, your, his....

par Marta Rostkowska

His Her Her Their My her His my His my My My

Hi . name is Mia . I'm eleven . I' ve got one sister . name is Mary . mum's name is Christina and dad's name is Paul . I also have got a pet . It's a hamster . name is Spark .
Mary and I have got a grandma . name is Alice . favourite uncle is mum's brother . name is Rick . Mum have got two borthers . My second uncle is John . Dad ; s got a brother , too . name is Stephen . We also have three cousins . names are Sam , Tony and Vicky . Vicky is best friend . We are in the same class . Vicky has got a parrot , name is Yellow .

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