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Daisy's pet


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Daisy's petVersion en ligne

Read the story. Complete the text

par Mariana Galeote Licona

Daisy animals , lots of her friends had pets and Daisy wanted one too . One day she read a story in a about a boy who had a . Daisy had an idea . " Mum , " she said , " donkeys are so funny ! Can we buy a donkey ? "
" Sorry , Daisy , " her mother answered . " We can't have a donkey . We haven't got a field " .
" What about a kitten or a penguin , then ? " , Daisy asked . " My friend , Sally , has got a cat . "
" No ! " , her mother said , " Don't be silly , Daisy . We in a flat . Cats like being in gardens and penguins like being near water . Sorry ! "
Daisy went and sat on the balcony . She wasn't happy . She sat down on the ground next to a snail . " Sanils aren't very good pets " , he thought . But then she saw a really sweet lizard between the two pretty green there .
" Hello ! " , she said . " Do you want to be my new pet ? " The lizard looked at Daisy and moved its up and down .
" Wow ! It's saying yes " laughed Daisy . " It's different from all my friends' pets , But that's ok ! "

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