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TED: How wind energy could power Earth


Let's review some vocabulary from Dan Jørgensen's TED talk by completing the sentences taken from the talk. You need to click on the words listed in order, so starting from number one and working your way down one by one. I've put the Finnish translation of the term you need in brackets to help you make the right choice.

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TED: How wind energy could power EarthVersion en ligne

Let's review some vocabulary from Dan Jørgensen's TED talk by completing the sentences taken from the talk. You need to click on the words listed in order, so starting from number one and working your way down one by one. I've put the Finnish translation of the term you need in brackets to help you make the right choice.

par Marietta Chela

1 . Later , he managed to build a big one that could supply his family with cheap , ( edullinen , huokea ) electricity in the middle of the crisis .
2 . So this is how Henrik ? s invention became a sort of ( prototyyppi ) for many , many of the wind ( turbiini ) that you'll see all over the planet today .
3 . In 1991 , we built the first ( merellä ) wind farm in the world called Vindeby . Eleven turbines , 54 meters tall . That was considered a ( maamerkki , merkkipaikka ) .
4 . Every time one of those turbines has one ( kierto ) of the blades , it creates enough electricity to charge more than 1 , 400 cell ( puhelimet ) .
5 . We are a green ( edelläkävijä ) , but we need to do more because at the same time , we ( sijoitumme ) number one in the EU , or at least as one of the biggest oil ( tuottajat ) , in the EU .
6 . The wind in the North Sea is transformed by a turbine into electricity . The ( electrolyysilaite ) transforms that into hydrogen , and the hydrogen is then made into green , ( kestävä ) fuels that we can use to sail our ships and fly our planes .
7 . If you ask the International Energy ( järjestö ) , they will tell you that offshore wind has the ( potentiaali ) to cover the current electricity ( kysyntä , tarve ) of the entire world , not once , not twice , 18 times .
8 . Building off this exponential growth , Denmark's climate minister Dan Jørgensen lays out his plan to end the country's oil ( teollisuus ) by 2050 and ( siirtyä ) to a fossil - free future by wind energy .

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