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Video about the phenomenom of eutrophization

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EUTROPHICATIONVersion en ligne

Video about the phenomenom of eutrophization

par Pablo González Andrés

How does he name the state in which the Gulf of Mexico becomes every summer?


The Gulf of Mexico is the only place in the planet in which a "Dead Zone" can be observed...


Why does he explain how an aquatic ecosystem works?


The only organisms able to carry out photosynthesis are the plants...


Which is the right order of events?


Eutrophication happens in a natural way in some areas in the world but, what has it made this phenomenon becomes more frequent and widespread?


Fertilizer used in agriculture is one of the most important pollutants that produces eutrophication. How many states do they empty fertilizer residues to the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River?


The source(s) of pollutants that are able to produce eutrophication are.....


Solutions for eutrophication:


He says that the Gulf of Mexico is full of life, but every May all the species that are able to swim go away and the other ones, which are not able to do it, die.

No, there are several places throughout the world in which this phenomenon happens.

To understand how solving a problem that appears in an ecosystem, it is necessary firstly to understand how it works.

There are several organisms that can carry out photosynthesis. Algae and a particular bacterium, called cyanobacteria, are able to carry out it. Eutrophication is an alteration of aquatic ecosystems produced by the excessive growth of algae and cyanobacteria because of an excess of nutrients, like phosphorus and nitrogen, in the water.

The order of events is: the excess of nutrients (P and N) makes algae and cyanobacteria grow a lot. Because of it sunlight is not able to reach the bottom of the water mass. So, seaweeds and aquatic plants, which are in the bottom, die. It makes the level of oxygen in the water descent. Additionally, they are decomposed by aerobic organisms that consume oxygen to decompose dead seaweeds and aquatic plants. It makes that the level of oxygen descents even more. Eventually, living beings that need oxygen to live (animals) die suffocated. Since these dead organisms must also be decomposed, it becomes in a vicious circle that aggravates the problem.

Eutrophication can appear like a natural phenomenon some times and, in these cases, there are species naturally adapted to such conditions. However, human activities that dump its residues to lakes, river or the sea have increased the frequency and the locations where it is observed.

Fertilizers are rich in Phosphorus and Nitrogen. If farmers apply more amount than the crops need for growing, the excess will go to the aquatic masses when raining. If the supplement is apply in a wrong moment (for example when it is raining) it can end in the water masses too. The problem is much more complex to solve because the amount of fertilizer that a soil can accept is different depending on several factors such as pH, texture, etc...

Any source that dumps organic compounds that favors the growth of algae and cyanobacteria is able to make eutrophication appear. There are two key elements to consider when we study the possible sources: phosphorus and nitrogen.

There are several solutions that can prevent it. The difficulty is that there are several sectors or the population that must collaborate all together.

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