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THEN VS NOWVersion en ligne

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par Raff's On Teacher Rafael Sena

TODD : Hey Meg , so I thought we would talk about then and now , the present and the past .
Meg : Sounds good .
TODD : The first one is are you now than you were last year ?
MEG : I think I'm about the happiness level , so last year I was happy with my job and my family and my friends and this year I'm still happy . What about you ? Are you now than last year ?
TODD : I am because last year I was still in college in graduate school and I finished .
MEG : Congratulations .
TODD : Yes , and I have more free time now and because of that , I'm this year . .
MEG : always makes up .
TODD : OK , so the next one is do you think you are these days than you were before , say ten years ago ?
MEG : Actually no . I think I am not than I was about ten years ago . Lately I've been so busy that I haven't been taking enough time to exercise or cook healthy food , so I would say I was probably ten years ago . What about yourself ? Are you now or before ?
TODD : I think I'm actually . Even though I'm a little than I was ten years ago , I drink less and I eat more vegetables . I eat less fast food . I think I get more sleep , and I feel , so I think I am a little bit than I was ten years ago .
MEG : Yeah , that definitely sounds .
TODD : But I'm so that's . . . you know .
MEG : Right , well and .

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