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Micro-motivationVersion en ligne

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and/or word combinations

par Liudmyla Klymenko

Small - scale or 1 . - ? the motivation to carry out specific actions ? can be divided into three broad areas . The simplest such motivation is our 2 . . This is what makes us want to eat , to be comfortable , to look good in front of other people , etc . For those of us , like teachers , who want to increase motivation , there ? s not much we can do about biological drives , although we can easily 3 . people if we don ? t respect those drives .
At a higher level , for those who want to motivate others , 4 . involves using a combination of rewards and punishments . A well - known metaphor is called the 5 . - - : if we want to persuade our donkey to move , we can offer him a carrot as a reward or we can hit him with the stick if he refuses . This approach is widely used in families , in schools and in businesses , with most people agreeing that 6 . are more effective than 7 . .
However , research has shown that , at best , rewards and punishments may often be ineffective in changing behaviour , and at worst , may actually damage motivation .
The best form of motivation appears to be 8 . , i . e . motivation to perform a task because it is fun or satisfying for its own sake , not because of what it might lead to in terms of 9 . . The best example is games : we play games because they are enjoyable . In fact , if you try to reward someone for playing a game ( e . g . by paying them an hourly fee ) , they will start to see the activity as 10 . , and will try less hard and achieve worse results . In language teaching , this discovery has led to the recent growth of 11 . : using the principles behind games to make learning intrinsically motivating .

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