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Common food


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Common foodVersion en ligne

Complete the dialogue

par Melanie Diaz

Emma : I ? m so to hear you ? re having such a time here in New York .
Rosa : I really am . It ? s a wonderful city . I miss my back in Chile , though . And I ? m definitely tired of out by myself .
Emma : Well , you should come over for a family at our house while you ? re here !
Rosa : That sounds great ! Are you sure ?
Emma : Yes ! Are you busy on night ?
Rosa : No .
Emma : Well come on over !
Rosa : I ? d love to . Thanks .
Emma : How about baked and rice ? And I can make black soup . Is that okay ?
Rosa : If it ? s no trouble , definitely . Chicken and is great . And I love black bean .
Emma : My kids love it , too . And I can make a salad - , peppers , ?
Rosa : Great . What can I bring ?
Emma : Hmm . How about some fruit for ?
Rosa : Sure . How fruit do we need ? How people will be there ?
Emma : Five people . Just my family and you .
Rosa : OK . I can get fruit . And I can also bring some grapes and strawberries .
Emma : Perfect ! I can make a pie , too .
Rosa : Yum ! I ? m getting hungry just talking about this .
Emma : Me , too !

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