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What are you looking for?


Read and complete the conversation.

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What are you looking for?Version en ligne

Read and complete the conversation.

par MaNuel Btz

Lara : It ? s five ? clock . Time to catch the bus .
Milo : But you ? ve both already got your souvenirs and I ? t bought one yet .
- - - - Wait two , OK ?
Yana : OK , but hurry . Which way is the bus stop ? ? s ask someone .
Lara : Excuse me . Can you us ? We ? re looking for the bus stop in Churchill .
- - - - Do you know it is ?
Man : . It ? s just down that street .
Yana : How is it ? Can you show me on this map , ?
Man : Of course . Here . It isn ? t far . It ? s five minutes on .
Yana : Thank you . Hey , Milo ! Have you bought anything ?
Milo : Yes . Look ! I ? ve just a great souvenir . A seagull !
Lara : It ? s , but now we ? d better run !

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