Relier Pairs match the titles to the textVersion en ligne match the titles to the text par Шудегова Дарья 1 Intelligent leaders also have the responsibility to use their skills and knowledge to effectively and efficiently guide their business forward in the face of an uncertain future and also to decrease the feelings of insecurity in their employees caused by that uncertainty. A leader has the power to influence the success of the organization, due to his full power to control the direction of the organization, as well as through the influence they exert on their employees that motivates them to bring the company to greater heights. 2 Leaders are the one who control and take charge of the operation of an organization and good leaders are able to set optimistic goals and objectives while steering the operation of the company towards those goals through effective strategies. Other than that, good leaders can also influence their employees and motivate them by strengthening a positive organization culture and through generous employee benefits, for instance health care insurance, worker compensation, leave benefit and others. 3 Leadership focuses more on guiding the employees, leading them in the desired direction, according to the organization vision and mission while communicating with and motivating them to complete their tasks. Under leadership, the boss guides and works together with their employees to produce their desired outcome. 4 Management is a system that is based more on planning, budgeting and controlling. The organization is emphasizes on following the plan that is set by the upper rank executives in the organization, and following their orders to solve problems. 5 Although leadership can bring lots of changes and increase the organization’s performance, but in reality there are more factors to consider that might affect the possibility of the changes to occur. Every employees’ behavior and attitudes are different, some employees might be able to easily adapt to the change but some will resist the change; some might accept the ways of their leaders and learn from the action of their leaders but some will become jealous of their leaders and refuse to cooperate. This would drag the performance of the organization down. Effective leadership is the best way to managing changes though it must be remembered that there are no problem solving solutions that are perfect and that issues will still be faced that cannot be fixed. 6 Effective leadership plays an important role in managing a business in the current business environment, for the old ways of business management are not enough to sustain a company in the modern market. Although leadership and management are two completely different systems, an organization might be surprised to find that there is no one system that completely suits their needs, so it advisable that they focus on the skills that are suitable for their organization. Management is a system that is based more on planning, budgeting and controlling. The organization is emphasizes on following the plan that is set by the upper rank executives in the organization, and following their orders to solve problems. Leadership focuses more on guiding the employees, leading them in the desired direction, according to the organization vision and mission while communicating with and motivating them to complete their tasks. Under leadership, the boss guides and works together with their employees to produce their desired outcome; while old style management orders employees to follow directives while the upper management is focused on planning and both are separate and do not work together. 7 The rapid growth of the economic environment as well as the emergence of the internet made it easier to communicate with countries around the world. This in turn changed the business environment in every country, causing a competitiveness in the market that increases with each passing year (Friedman, 2007). In order to keep their business afloat, business owners discovered they had to offer better quality products at a lower cost, employ strategies that were uniquely suited for the organization to adapt according to current business trends and also flexibility in facing the rapid change of the business environment. management as the main way to manage a business How to be a dreat leader similarities and differences in management and leadership the main challenges of effective leadership Effective leadership as the main strategy to apply bussines factors that influence the change of business management the main task of leadership