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Exercise 3


exercise 3

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Exercise 3Version en ligne

exercise 3

par Christian San Miguel

empire strongest structures properties carbon nickel industry state iron

Steel is an essential part of our everyday life . It takes part of the of the buildings where we work and live , the home appliances that we use , the cars that we drive , bridges , boats , planes , trains etc . without it , modern day life would look a lot different . Last year the world steel produced eighteen hundred million tons of steel , the equivalent of over 5100 building's . So how is possible to transform rocks in the ground into one of the structural materials in the world .

The steel making process starts with the processing of rocks that have been extracted from a mine containing . These rocks are crushed ( trituradas ) and ore iron is extracted using magnetic media . This iron ore is mixed with and melted in a big furnace ( HORNO DE FUNDICIÓN ) . The melted steel will be treated in different ways to obtain ingots , sheets or bars .

Often additives are added to the melted steel like chromium , or titanium to obtain different alloys of the steel with different .

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