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Tender, Bid, Offer: Sentences


Complete the sentences by clicking one of the terms listed. Remember you need to do it in order, as the term you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

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Âge recommandé: 21 ans
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Tender, Bid, Offer: SentencesVersion en ligne

Complete the sentences by clicking one of the terms listed. Remember you need to do it in order, as the term you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

par Marietta Chela

higher contract for Procurement win considering bidders tender bid got put offer

1 . The document is how a buyer evaluates your suitability for the contract in question and will have set questions that you need to respond to .
2 . They had the estate agent pinned in a corner of the kitchen and were upping the price like dealers in an auction house in order to secure the .
3 . The company have abandoned their takeover .
4 . Four companies were invited to bid the contract .
5 . Once the tender process is closed and all bids have been received , the organisation then consults all bids and decides which supplier will the contract .
6 . They made an on our house .
7 . They were asking ? 180 , 000 for the apartment , so I in an offer of ? 170 , 000 .
8 . We are a ? 50m offer for the business .
9 . We were ready to complete the deal when the seller got another , offer .
10 . They bid ? 25 , 000 for the job and the contract .
11 . is the process of purchasing goods or services and is usually in reference to business spending .
12 . Competitive bidding is usually a part of most large scale procurement processes involving multiple .

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