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Climate Change


some words to practise

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Âge recommandé: 18 ans
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Russian Federation

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Climate ChangeVersion en ligne

some words to practise

par Varvara Alfyorova

with measure cope quit concern mess adopt restore pollute challenges preserve measures neglect

1 . Other United Nations agencies also older women in their data .
2 . Today no country alone can global .
3 . It wasn't easy , but we had a dedicated team , and we were not going to until we found the traitor inside the agency .
4 . The United Nations approach should certain guiding principles .
5 . Being judgmental will not our environment .
6 . It expressed about child abuse , including trafficking
7 . I don't get why you have to take something that's perfectly good , and it up .
8 . Such goals had set a clear direction and a standard against which the Organization could its performance .
9 . While stressing complementarity , UNICEF should its own unique identity .
10 . Also in production process we take all known in order not to the environment .

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