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Sponda 2: Vocab Review


Complete the sentences by clicking on the words on the right hand side in order (so start with number one and work your way down). They are all terms used in your Quizlet set Sponda 2/Will we all live in 'plyscrapers' in the future?

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Âge recommandé: 21 ans
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Sponda 2: Vocab Review Version en ligne

Complete the sentences by clicking on the words on the right hand side in order (so start with number one and work your way down). They are all terms used in your Quizlet set Sponda 2/Will we all live in 'plyscrapers' in the future?

par Marietta Chela

concrete timber conifers tackling resilience yielded plywood account decreed beams felled emissions

1 . A great number of trees were to provide space for the new shopping centre .
2 . We all need to do more to reduce carbon .
3 . The investigation some unexpected results .
4 . The boards are made from the highest grade from Eastern Europe .
5 . After the earthquake , the government that all new buildings must be built according to the new standards .
6 . Fire is the capacity of a building to resist to , adapt to and recover from a fire and resume to its essential functions in a timely and efficient fashion .
7 . There are many ways of this problem .
8 . How is transforming the construction industry ?
9 . The bomb shelter has walls that are three metres thick .
10 . High - tech companies for 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the area .
11 . Any of various types of mostly evergreen trees that produce a cone are known as .
12 . The sitting room had exposed wooden .

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