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B2 U2.1 Listening - Antarctica


You will heara man calle Steve Jacson talking about his trip to Antarctica. Read questions 1-10 and, try to predict what word or words you might need to fill each gap. Then listen to the talk and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

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B2 U2.1 Listening - Antarctica

You will heara man calle Steve Jacson talking about his trip to Antarctica. Read questions 1-10 and, try to predict what word or words you might need to fill each gap. Then listen to the talk and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Victor Rivera

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Steve says that the temperature was usually around dregrees during the trip .
Steve found to be the most useful thing he took with him .
In his cabin , Steve had a under his bed .
Steve says that nationality of the expedition leader was .
While Steve was on the cruise , the seas were .
Steve enjoyed seeing the wide range of most of all .
According to Steve , the only people , besides tourists , in the region were working at a .
Steve says that empty are the only evidence of fishing in earlier times .
Cruise ships are forbidden to get rid of in the Antarctic .
Steve says it's important that the isn't disturbed by tourists .