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5Y - U7 - Past Perfect Revision


Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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5Y - U7 - Past Perfect RevisionVersion en ligne

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

par Ana Bettio

The great escape !
I couldn't wait any longer . For nearly a decade I 1 ) had been planning ( plan ) the escape and it seemed like the perfect night for it . It was hot because the sun 2 ) ( shine ) into my tiny airless room all day . It was 10 p . m . and we usually played cards at that time but that night everybody 3 ) ( decide ) to go to bed early . We 4 ) ( work ) since 6 a . m . and most of the prisoners 5 ) ( have ) enough . Nobody knew that I 6 ) ( make ) my plan . I stayed up especially late . From the window I saw that the wind 7 ) ( stop ) and the sea looked calm . One of the guards , who 8 ) ( sit ) near the gate , 9 ) ( fall asleep ) . I was in luck . I took the food that I 10 ) ( not eat ) during the day and slowly turned the key in the door . I began to taste freedom . . .

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