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SIA 8 Unit 11


The past in the future

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Âge recommandé: 17 ans
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Costa Rica

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SIA 8 Unit 11Version en ligne

The past in the future

par Jennifer Quirós

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What Ben didn't know was that Charlie , whose father was a British lawyer and diplomat , ( 1 ) cause him trouble . At the age of four , Charlie ( 2 ) from England to France , where his father ( 3 ) for the government . Two days before the move , Charlie's father was accused of a crime he had not committed and mysteriously disappeared . Charlie's mother , also a lawyer , sent Charlie to live with family in the US . The separation ( 4 ) only temporary , as she was sure she ( 5 ) prove her husband's innocence . What she didn't know was that she ( 6 ) soon arrested , too .

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