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The sentence mentions “biochemistry” which is explained in the previous sentence, so it makes sense for the missing sentence to be placed here.

For over a century, biologists have been trying to understand and define the mechanisms for speciation.

As it is used in the passage, “needling” most nearly means:

Paragraph 2 says that the planets “must have been hot enough to melt” while paragraph 3 states that the melting point is usually more than 1,800 F.

The number of foreign and domestic tourists in the Netherlands rose above 42 million in 2017, an increase of 9% and the sharpest growth rate since 2006, the national statistics office CBS reported on Wednesday” (, 2018).

What is the professor's attitude about X?

What can be inferred about X?

How is the discussion organized?

What is important, relevant or credible?

What is your relationship with the candidate?

Question answering Knowledge-based system Conceptual framework Knowledge formalization Algorithms

Why does the student go to see the professor?

What is NOT important, relevant or credible?

Listen again to part of the lecture. What does the professor imply when he says this?

What is the lecture mainly about?

How does the professor help the student?

Which of the following suggestions does the professor make? For each suggestion, place a checkmark in the yes or no column

Why does the author mention X?