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Gall bladder


Small intestines



Salivary Glands

Large Intestines




Portion of the digestive system responsible for absorption of water from the indigestible residue of food.

make saliva, which aids in digestion, keeps your mouth moist and supports healthy teeth.

Accessory digestive organ, produces bile for fat digestion, stores nutrients, and filters toxins and chemicals.

Organ lined with villi in the GI tract where most of the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food takes place.

Part of GI tract where waste is expelled from the body.

Where digestion begins, mastication (chewing) takes place.

Accessory digestive organ, produces enzymes that help digestion and hormones that help regulate the way your body processes sugar (glucose).

Muscular tube that contracts in a synchronized fashion (peristalsis) to move food down towards the stomach.

The throat, transition area from the mouth to the esophagus.

Muscular sac that receives food from the esophagus, secretes acid and enzymes creating a thick creamy fluid called chyme.

Accessory organ of digestion, small pouch that sits just under the liver. Stores bile produced by the liver.