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Jouer Memory

selfish minister of Salem, preaches hellfire and damnation, many want him gone

Giles Corey

old man in his 80's, friend to John Proctor, accidentally casts suspicion on Martha his wife

John Proctor

devious, misleading niece of Parris, drinks chicken blood to put a curse on Elizabeth Proctor

said by Betty Parris

Reverend Hale

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Ann Putnam

witchcraft "expert" responsible for Tituba and the girls' confessions

Mr. Putnam

well respected farmer in Salem, has an affair with Abigail Williams, crushed by his guilt

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jealous of Rebecca Nurse, lost 7 babies

thinks he is better than everyone, argues over land boundaries with Proctor

Reverend Parris

said by Giles Corey

said by Abigail Williams

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Abigail Williams