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England now became more ____________________ than it had ever been , as the round table had
broken up . Violent ____________________ in the countryside divided the duty of the King's men
between ____________________ for the Holy Grail and defending the King's rule . Arthur stayed
at the castle more often as he felt there was something ____________________ in this search for
the truth the Grail was supposed to offer . Guinevere went to speak to the King
because she understood his ____________________ .
" It's Lancelot . You have acted ____________________ . Until you find him , and peace within
yourself , the country will never be ____________________ . "
Guinevere's mentioning Lancelot's name filled Arthur's heart with feelings of
____________________ . He was so overwhelmed by those feelings that he was finally able to ____________________
that this was the truth for him .
" I have also ____________________ you , my Queen ! I shall ride from the castle and not return
without Lancelot , so that we may be united again in our love for one another . "
Arthur called the last of his men together to ride in search of the most ____________________
knight in Camelot , Sir Lancelot . As the men ____________________ a certain tree in a valley , the
tree changed into the form of Morgan Le Fay .