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location is outside of a city

rural location

2000-14999 students

suburban location

a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.

the course of study at a college or university

located in the country

in a city

4 year degree


your average grade for all of the courses that you successfully passed

a college or university that primarily receives its funding through tuition and donations

2 year degree

A college that receives funding primarily through their state

Public College

Large population

G.P.A/Grade Point Average

Medium population

0-1999 students

Associates Degree

the percentage of students that were accepted to the college or university

small population

Private College

urban location

acceptance rate

2 additional years of schooling after receiving Bachelors Degree


SAT submission, application deadline,

an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions

Bachelors Degree

more than 15,000 students

Important Dates

Masters degree