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[Store manager to employees] “Keep an eye on the Black shoppers.”

“How did your mom react when she found out you were a lesbian?”

[A White person to others] “I have lots of Black friends.”

“Everyone take out your smartphones. Let’s take a poll.”

[To a larger woman] “Should you be eating that?”

“You speak English very well.”

[To a female graduate student] “You sure are opinionated.”

[Professor to Latina student during class] “What do Latinas think about this situation?”

“You don’t even seem Black.”

[To a woman with a headscarf] “What are you hiding in there?”

Your experiences are interchangeable with anyone else in your racial group.

Blacks are all criminals.

All Muslims are terrorists.

You have no self-control.

I am not racist.

Everyone from your group acts the same.

Everyone has enough money for common items.

Being a lesbian is not normal.

You are not American.

You should conform to your expected role.