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Jouer Relier Colonnes

They got to the beach after they _______________ for hours.

She didn't go to work. She _______________ a cold.

The roads were blocked in the morning. It _______________ all night.

I had to have a break. I _______________ so long.

His English was perfect. He _______________ it since he started school.

She called the police when she _______________ the light in the hall.

Before we parked our car, we _______________ the ticket.

I was really hungry. I _______________ anything since the morning.

I arrived on Sunday. I _______________ at home for two days.

When we moved to Park Street, the Johnsons _______________ there for ages.

hadn’t eaten

I had been driving

had seen

had been studying

had caught

had collected

had been snowing

had been living

had been walking

hadn't been