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1 . My teacher told me that I ____________________ ____________________ review my notes every day . I guess it's a good idea to look at them after class .

2 . Do you think Carol ____________________ save her money or spend it ? She is planning to go to Europe this summer .

3 . I'm going to a party tonight . What ____________________ I wear : a dress or black pants ?

4 . Our car's gas tank is almost empty . We ____________________ ____________________ fill it up with gas soon or we will run out of gas !

5 . If you are worried about getting fat , you ____________________ ____________________ eat at McDonald's every day . You should eat healthy , low - fat foods like fruits and vegetables .

6 . It's really raining outside right now . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ forget my umbrella or I'll get wet !

7 . Where ____________________ we have lunch today : at home or in a restaurant ?

8 . My doctor feels that I ____________________ ____________________ exercise more because I'm out of shape and want to lose weight . I think he's right .