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Insisting that religious unity is essential to the security of the state, supported repression of Protestants begun by Richelieu and revoked the Edict of Nantes.Courted support of nobility and church and firmly controlled both.

The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) resulted in the ............ a series of treaties which granted toleration to Calvinism, established the sovereignty of German states, consolidated the power of the lords and limited the authority of the emperor.

What did England’s Restoration restore?

How did European Rulers increase the power of the central state?

Parliament recognized Charles II and restored the monarchy. Both houses of Parliament were also restored as was the Anglican church.

Peace of Westphalia:

Louis XIV and Absolutism:

European state crisis of 17th century:

Greater systems of taxation, the growth of professional armies, larger and more efficient government agencies, and increased control over their subjects.

After the economic and demographic growth of the sixteenth century, Europe was challenged by population losses, economic decline, increased famine, social and political unrest, as well as wars of religion.

Difficult to police and tax subjects. The nobility, church, town councils, and guilds could not easily be withdrawn. Many of their subjects spoke a different language than their monarch.

What obstacles stood in the way of the expansion of state power?