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Jouer Memory

I’ve been _________ _____ a hot dog.



He argued that the way to ________ an economic crisis is for individuals to follow their usual spending habits.

City __________________ are more stressed than people who live in the country.

He's been ________ a grudge against her ever since his promotion was refused

Think of yourself as a human being instead of a human doer and make a conscious effort to __________ and recharge

What did you ____________ ________ most when you were in prison?

While we went on holidays the cats were _______ and are starving.

We spent a ______ year together before things started to go wrong

The ___________________ of politics in Washington goes on as usual

hanker after

It has an __________ crescent beach where he only footprints will be your own.



ebb and flow



We made a quick _________ in Denver before continuing our journey

pit stop

hankering for
