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Lifestyle Analysis

Social Class

Empty Nesters

Extensive Problem Solving

Adoption Process

Economic Needs

Reference Group

Discretionary Income

Economic Buyers

Opinion Leader

a group of people who have approximately equal social position as viewed by others in the society.

what is left of disposable income after paying for necessities.

a person who influence others.

the people to whom an individual looks when forming attitudes about a particular topic.

the analysis of a person's day-to-day pattern pf living as expressed in that person's Activities, Interests, and Opinions-sometimes referred to as AIO's or psycho-graphics.

the steps individuals go through on the way to accepting or rejecting a new idea.

people who know all the facts and logically compare choices to get the greatest satisfaction from spending their time and money.

when consumers put much effort into deciding how to satisfy a need.

needs concerned with making the best use of a consumers time and money-as the consumer judges it.

people whose children are grown and who are now able to spend their money in other ways.