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1 . Tests always ____________________ me nervous .

2 . My parents won't ____________________ me get a job even though I want to work this summer .

3 . I ____________________ my sister borrow my clothes when she asks nicely .

4 . Did your parents ____________________ you finish your dinner when you were a kid ?

5 . Can you ____________________ me use your laptop ? I only need it for about an hour .

6 . A : My laptop broke !
B : I can ____________________ you use mine .

7 . A : Can I please borrow your sweater ?
B : Sure . I'll ____________________ you wear it if you promise to wash it after you wear it .

8 . A : Where were you at 4 : 00 ?
B : My teacher ____________________ me stay after school because I was late for class .

9 . A : Why are you so nervous ?
B : Tests always ____________________ me nervous .

10 . A : Will you get a job this summer ?
B : No . My parents won't ____________________ me work , even though I want to !