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When I ( BE ) ____________________ ten , I ( GO ) ____________________ on a camping trip in the forest with my
parents and my sister . We just ( LOVE ) ____________________ camping and running around . One
morning , we ( WAKE UP ) ____________________ up early . My parents ( SLEEP )
were ____________________ tight so we ( DECIDE ) ____________________ to explore the forest
on our own . We ( BE ) ____________________ so excited we ( NOT NOTICE = remarquer )
____________________ ____________________ that we ( GO ) ____________________ ____________________ too far . But while we
( PLAY ) ____________________ ____________________ ? hide and seek ? , we suddenly ( HEAR ) ____________________ strange
noises and we ( REALIZE ) ____________________ we ( STAND ) ____________________ ____________________ in the middle
of the forest . As we ( TRY ) ____________________ ____________________ to find our way back to the camp , we ( SEE )
saw a dark shape ( = forme ) behind a tree : we ____________________ a wild animal ( FOLLOW )
was ____________________ us and we ( START ) ____________________ screaming . I ( RUN AWAY )
ran away as fast as I ( CAN ) ____________________ but as I ( RUN )
was ____________________ I ( CAN ) ____________________ hear the animal breathing behind me . It ( CATCH )
caught my arm . . . and I ( REALIZE ) ____________________ it was only my Dad .
We were so relieved they ( FIND ) ____________________ us !