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Jouer Memory

He is ninety.

His name is Jean.

It's Marie.

She's eighteen.

How old is your grandpa?

What's your uncle's name?

What's your nephew's name?

They are my cousins.

Yes, my husband is Igor.

How old is your son?

Her name is Alice.

What's your niece's name?

How old is your daughter?

Who are these?

No, I'm an only child.

Who's this?

How old are your grandchildren?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Are you married?

How old is your grandma?

This is my grandmother.

It's Conrad.

What's your aunt's name?

My grandson is 2 years old and my granddaughter is 7 months old.

She is eighty years old.

He's nineteen years old.