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1. Three requirements on schools created by NCLB (2001)
2. Ralph Tyler: 4 Steps in Curriculum Development
3. 5 kinds of curriculum
4. Questions of Criteria guiding thoughts
5. Questions of Criteria
6. Golds Typology of Observation Rules


2. The participant as observer

Make AYP toward that goal of proficiency

4 Evaluate the purposes

3 Organize the experiences



1 Determine school's purpose

What criteria can we use to identify educational goals?

What criteria should we use to identify possible school subjects?


3. The observer as participant

involve a study of the sources


forms- inquiry is not restrained by absolutes

4. The complete observer


1. The complete participant

Provide highly-qualified teachers in the classrooms

Where there other tensions that connect how you are feeling?

Bring students to a set level of proficiency

2 Identify experiences related to the purposes

What are the criteria of need, precedence?